
image/svg+xml <big><b>Country:</b> Suyu Volkskolonie (<i>Drachen Suyu</i>)</big> <big><b>Capital:</b> Uma</big> <br> <br> <b> The southernmost Drachen colony, Suyu is far more developed than its northern brother, having been home to a stationary Inca-like people. Suyu continues to be the more productive of the pair of colonies, having been subject to much development and economic growth. Unlike Illu, Suyu's administration is primarily operated by its own natives, being more apt to call it autonomous in the Volksunion family. </b> Suyu <b><big>Country:</b> Empire of Razonica <br><b>Capital:</b> Haemia; Fajistead (<i>Razma</i>)</big> <br><b> <br>A militant and aggressive nation, the Razonican Empire united a thousand years ago behind the First Guide, and have been vigorously pursuing progress by pushing the frontiers of knowledge and their empire.<b> Razonica <big><b>Country:</b> Illu Volkskolonie (<i>Drachen Illu</i>)</big> <big><b>Capital:</b> Siulliq</big> <br> <br> <b> The northernmost Drachen colony, Illu is the less developed of the two colonies, being home to primarily nomadic groups of Inuit-like peoples. While Illu is technically autonomous, the nature of its residences leave much of the administrative work to Drachenstaat born officers and military personnel. </b> Illu Colony of Inoroth Seashell_Islands Rothian Familiar Realm of Ambrosia Ambrosia Rothian Familiar Realm of Ambrosia Ambrosia Arkaz Arkaz Mararasa Mararasa <big><b>Country:</b> The Republic of Varenhold</big><br> <big><b>Capital:</b> Klippenstaad</big> <br> <br> <b> Formerly a colony of Drachenstaat until rebellion provided an impetus for the Great War in the 1890s. As a nation, Varenhold has sought to catch up with the powers that be in all respects, economically, militarily, etc, led primarily by the Council of Masks. As relations with Drachenstaat (now the Volksunion) continue to warm, the lower house seems inclined to follow that nation's slide into communism. </b> Varenhold Camelone Ishaqan Islands (Ibrahaman Colony) Ishaqan Islands Ibrahaman Colony of New Tylos New Tylos Ibrahama Ibrahama <big><b>Country:</b> Kingdom of Fanaglia</big><br> <big><b>Capital:</b> Kraftenburg</big><br> <br> <b> Forged out of five distinct duchies, each with their own culture, Fanaglia is a uniquely cosmopolitan country. Despite progressive social views, it is governed as a pseudo-fascist state. </b> Fanaglia <big><b>Country:</b> Crowned Republic of Quibella</big><br> <big><b>Capital:</b> Bassierville</big><br> <big><b>Government:</b> Stratocracy</big><br> <big><b>Population:</b> 58,155,630</big><br> <big><b>Established:</b> 1202</big><br> <br> <b> Quibella is no true nation, merely an army that pretends to be state and has held a stranglehold on both the nobility and commoner since the early 1800s. The state has been deeply scarred, revealing the fragile ethnic relations it maintains with the recent genocide in Northern Quibella, though struggles on underneath the watchful eye of the military. </b> <br><br> <small><b>Exports:</b> Weapons, Steel, Heavy Chemicals, Heavy Machinery</small><br> <small><b>Imports:</b> Raw Materials, Cars, Ships, Airships, Luxury Goods</small><br> Quibella <big><b>Country:</b> Nill</big><br> <big><b>Capital:</b> Ferrodina</big><br> <big><b>Government:</b> Stewardship (Colony)</big><br> <big><b>Population:</b> 4,000,000</big> <br> <br> <b> The Stewardship of Nill is one of Inoroth's "Familiar Realms" or colonies. A predominantly mountainous region, Nill is rich in mineral wealth. The capital, Ferodina, lies at the heart of a rail and road nexus primarily designed to facilitate the extraction of these valuable minerals. The population is dispersed, composed of local nomadic tribes as well as adventurous immigrants from Inoroth, Quibella, Fanaglia, and beyond. The few concentrated towns tend to be places for small-time claimants to drop off what they have mined and to resupply. Trade is focused around the mining economy, though some herding and agriculture are practiced as well. Nill has a moderate standard of living. The country is also resistant to assimilation by Rothian culture, and has historically been prone to revolt and unrest by local tribesmen and independent settlers alike.</b> Nill Abelardy Abelardy <big><b>Country:</b> Kingdom of Inoroth</big><br> <big><b>Capital:</b> Rothia</big><br> <big><b>Government:</b> Constitutional Monarchy</big><br> <big><b>Population:</b> 74,000,000</big> <br> <br> <b> The Kingdom of Inoroth is a large, industrialized nation, divided into 34 provinces, which retain limited sovereignty. Society is broken down into five classes: Royalty, Nobility, Clergy, Burgess, and Populate. The largest city, Rothia, is also the capitol, and boasts over 2 million inhabitants. Inoroth is also a land of a large and diverse population, unified by language and nationalism. Trade is very important to the Inorothian economy, and the country is one of the largest importers and exporters of goods in the world. Inoroth has a high standard of living, and is known for its rich cultural and political history, home to many famous people throughout the centuries.</b> Inoroth <big><b>Country:</b> Merlo Islands</big><br> <big><b>Capital:</b> Pecoracasa</big><br> <big><b>Government:</b> Stewardship (Colony)</big><br> <big><b>Population:</b> 850,000</big> <br> <br> <b> The Stewardship of the Merlo Islands is considered an Inorothian "Familiar Realm" or colony. Composed of three large and dozens of smaller islands, this island chain serves as the first port of call for many ships sailing out of Inoroth. The protected natural harbor of Isola Roccia serves as the primary naval base for the islands, while the nation's capital and largest city of 90,000 residents sits at the southern tip of Isola Erba. The population of the Merlo Islands is concentrated along the coasts, with only shepherds and cattle hands inland. Aside from port commerce, the production of wool, meats, and cheeses are the Merlo Islands' exports, while most finished goods are imported. The islands have a moderately high standard of living, though seasonal unemployment is common.</b> Merlo <big><b>Country:</b> Drachen Volksunion (<i>Drachenstaat</i>)</big><br> <big><b>Capital:</b> Volksstadt</big> <br> <br> <b> Marred by the Drachen Civil War of 1898 to 1901, the modern day state represents the work of a violent worker's uprising creating the first and only communist state to date on the planet. The Volksunion continues to limp forward in carrying on progress, despite the violence that had occurred years before. </b> Drachenstaat Svalbard Svalbard Clockies Clockies <big><b>Country:</b> West Pahadan Rail (<i>WPR</i>)</big><br> <big><b>Capital:</b> Nakashigawa</big><br> <big><b>Population:</b> 38,912,331 (<i>Excluding vassals</i>)</big> <br> <br> <b> West Pahadan Rail (WPR) is a corporate colony of the Clockwork Empire. Run by the military and businesses, it is tasked with the extensive goal of “unifying Pahada” through the creation of an artificial unified culture and language. Despite this, WPR is more oriented towards resource extraction, population relocation and Korukkan colonisation. It’s exports and imports can be categorised as “internal” and “external.” To the empire is sent huge quantities of gold, silver, helium, coal steel, copper, manufactured goods, firearms, as well as agricultural produce such as sugar, soy, and chicken. To the rest of the world, WPR is noted for its aforementioned soy and chicken, but also for its investment opportunities. Imports can be broadly stroked to people, capital, aircraft, industrial machinery and foodstuffs like grains and cereals.</b> Lino is a Good Boi