History of Vapor

A semi-interactive timeline capturing Vapor history from the 18th Century to the Apocalypse.



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  • 32.
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And so on...

  • TBD.



  • In the face of Mendean aggression, the Fanaglian Duchies unify under King DiMarco, who takes the throne of the new country of Fanaglia.



  • With the Siege of Bandar Velikavan, the Mendean Revolutionary War begins.



  • The Mendean Revolutionary War ends with the Treaty of Nekhdjehenet.



  • Future King Philippe III is born in Quibella.



  • After being disowned by her father, King DiMarco, Princess Autumn of Fanaglia begins to build a following of her own to stand against the tyrant king.


  • Centered on the Makala islands of Pirata and Komi, the Rebellion lasts until November of the same year. Mararasan methods of putting it down, including indiscriminate killing, inhumane prison camps, involuntary deportation, and civil decimation, draw widespread international condemnation.


  • First shots are fired in the Great Coup in Fanaglia



  • King DiMarco of Fanaglia is captured by Princess Autumn, bringing the Great Coup to an end. The day becomes a national holiday in Fanaglia - Liberty Day.
  • Princess Autumn of Fanaglia is crowned Queen.
  • Former King DiMarco of Fanaglia is executed by month's end.



  • Zhang Xieren was one of the most influential people in Korukkan history. Born to a constable and an unknown mother, he fought in the Eastern War at the age of 16 before he returned home at the war's conclusion. Injured and deemed unable for further military service, he married and joined the civil administration of the Great Undertaking in Tungnir.

    Rising through its ranks quickly, he was officially made Provincial Administrator for South-Eastern Tungnir, but served in practicality as mayor of the border town of Ortooroi and doubled as its censor. Here he helped bring down the infamous Spectral Seven and tamed much of the land, resulting in his appointment as Vice-Commandant and eventually Commandant of the Great Undertaking. He catapulted from this success by joining the SECOND Initiative by 1910, taking complete control by 1912.

    Here, Zhang pushed forward several goals counter to that of the Empire: he expanded West Pahadan Rail to control a swathe of vassals and territory, whilst building up an economy and military to further his goals. He led the Imperial Army in Pahada during the 'Western War' and oversaw the Pavlostani surrender aboard Weakness.

    A staunch constitutional monarchist, Zhang Xieren was the head of the elusive Five Star Committee. As trouble brewed in Clockwork, Zhang and his Five Star Committee, including their highly trained and seasoned military that had fought in Pahada a few years before, invaded the rebelling territories of the empire and officially declared it dissolved in 1948, succeeded by an Imperial Federation that politically resembled Zhang's ideological beliefs. He served as Supreme Chancellor for a term, where he reunited much of the nation and oversaw the return of several port cities back to Korrukan control.

    'The Father of the Federation' retired to a humble life back in his home of Xia, where he took control of a large farm and ranch. He died in 1977, survived by three children.



  • The island of Dehui becomes an official duchy of Fanaglia, and for the first time in Fanaglian history, the people experience true democracy, if only at the regional level.


  • The Drachenstaat National Communist League is founded as poverty rises and worker conditions continue to worsen. It becomes immensely powerful as workers flock to the new organization.



  • In Pavlostani, the Teacher joins the Order of Tengin.



  • Heinrich Jekyl is elected Grand Priest of Drachenstaat at age 76, only to fall ill a month later. Unable to fulfill his duties, Lord Grand Inquisitor Otto von Krauss becomes the de facto ruler.



  • The Democratic Association for Republican Rule in the Drachenstaat is formed; it is a popular political group among small-time businessmen and farmers.



  • Queen Autumn of Fanaglia is assassinated.


  • Varenhold rebels against the rule of the Drachenstaat, with the death of Brother Frederik Princ, a White-Coat Priest. Outrage among the Priesthood and the general populace leads to an immediate declaration of war. Members of the DNCL protest this decision.


  • Queen Alice, the adoptive daughter of the previously assassinated Queen, is crowned ruler of Fanaglia.



  • The Drachenstaat Navy begins blockading the Varenhold islands, while several naval invasions are conducted against rebel strongholds. Several army divisions are sent south to assist in Fanaglia and Asterdan. Several Varen cities are bombarded heavily by zeppelins during this time.



  • The Great War continues to expand in scope as several further nations join the war, leading to mass-mobilization of troops and airships within Drachenstaat. The DNCL and DARR agree to jointly protest the new conscription law passed to provide troops for the expeditions.



  • Drachenstaat continues to suffer upheaval as the Communist and Democratic protests proceed, along with several riots and sit-ins conducted by both factions. Drachen military and police forces are stretched thin. In response, Grand Inquisitor Krauss organizes the 'Guardians of the Homefront,' a civilian militia under the official jurisdiction of the Inquisition, ordered to combat both groups.



  • As the Great War continues to drag on, Drachenstaat forces in the south are recalled due to the withdrawal of Fanaglia from the Great War. Massed air bombing raids in the south begin, but lead to the loss of many Drachenstaat zeppelins, crippling the nation's air fleet.



  • The Great War reaches Drachenstaat as Southern forces reach the border, and mass desertion occurs as the embattled army attempts to dig in.
  • Clashes between the Communists, Democrats, and the Home Guardians result in several deaths, and the Communists declare the beginning of the Revolution in Drachenstaat. The alliance between Communists and Democrats ends due to the accidental death of a Communist leader.


  • Struggling with both the Great War and the Revolution in Drachenstaat, the Drachenstaat Volksarmee begins designing and building scaled-up heavier-than-air aircraft to fill the gap left by increasingly rare zeppelins. At the same time, the increasing need for infantry protection and arms on all sides results in many outdated firearms being requisitioned and pressed into service. 'Junk armor' begins, providing some limited protection against small-arms fire.



  • The Drachenstaat Navy lies in ruins, the last of the zeppelin fleet is shot down, and military leadership in the Armee des Drachenreichs breaks down as soldiers begin aligning with the political factions in the Revolution in Drachenstaat.
  • Drachen Grand Priest Heinrich Jekyl finally dies due to a combination of lasting illness and stress. Grand Inquisitor Otto von Krauss declares a state of emergency.
  • The Home Guardians rebel against the Grand Inquisitor, with their leader, Heidi Kühn declaring her intentions to establish a new nationalist government in Drachenstaat.
  • Black-Coat Priest Walter Fund signs the final peace treaty that ends the Great War. His actions are unrecognized by any factions remaining in Drachenstaat. Remaining Theocratic forces return to Drachenstaat as the Drachenstaat Civil War breaks out fully.



  • The first tanks are used in the Drachenstaat Civil War, importing southern, foreign-built ones before later natively designed and built versions come into production. The first Drachen mechs also receive some experimentation in Greater Haud.



  • The Fanaglian Queen, Alice, calls a national assembly to establish a representative democracy and abolish the monarchy. The Queen presents a plan developed with Mendean help, but the Council of Counts is allowed to debate and submit amendments before a public vote.
  • Duke Reiner Ziegler questions the legitimacy of Queen Alice's rule. He declares himself the rightful King of Fanaglia. Several Arviragan and Polydorian Counts abstain from participating in the Council of Counts in protest of the Queen's decision.


  • The Black Shield attempt to assassinate Queen Alice of Fanaglia by poison, but kill Emmanuel Reno instead.



  • The new Fanaglian Constitution and its individual amendments are put to a popular vote and elections are held for parliamentary representatives for each of the six caucases. Heavy election fraud occurs in the north, and a heavily pro-Ziegler parliament is established.


  • First session of the first Parliament of the Republic of Fanaglia occurs on April 23rd. The Arviragan Caucus votes to secede from the Republic; the vote narrowly passes, but the legitimacy of the elections (and original vote) is called into question.
  • Remaining Fanaglian MPs declare secession illegal and publicly accuse Ziegler of electoral fraud. On April 24th, an emergency revote is ordered, with military police designated to protect polling locations.


  • The Drachenstaat Civil War ends with a Communist victory, with an official renewal of joint Communist and Democratic forces ensuring the war's outcome. Small remnant fascist and theocratic attacks continue into 1903, however.


  • Fresh elections are held across Fanaglia on August 15th, but are marred by a bombing at a polling location, killing dozens. The Fanaglian BNI begin an investigation, but this is largely considered the beginning of the Second Fanaglian Civil War.



  • With the Grand Council of Workers officially finalizing the new Drachenstaat Constitution, the Volksunion officially begins.



  • Korukkan invasion of the coastal cities of Asphotachal begins


  • West Pahadan Rail is established as an Imperial Company and given ownership of land within recently-conquered Asphotachal


  • The Kingdom of Kadaura is toppled by pro-Korrukan officers, establishing the client 'State of Kadaura'



  • West Pahadan Rail buys out the bankrupt Automata Arms company, becoming one of the largest Imperial Companies in the Clockwork Empire.


  • In Menid, the Transmendean Express opens, connecting direct freigh transit from the East to West.
  • The Volksunion establishes the Science and Industry Research Development Agency, or SIRDA, to gather scientific and industrial information from around the world, in order to make up for technical progress lost during the Great War and Drachenstaat Civil War.



  • The Alban Government of Menid is toppled by the Conservationist Movement after months of protests.



  • The Grand Commandant of the Great Undertaking, Zhang Xieren, is appointed as Grand Commandant of the SECOND Initiative, and takes his position in Nakashigawa


  • WPR declares war on the three kingdoms on its borders: Atra, Ait, and Negara, beginning the first Pahadan War.



  • Khagapur, the capital of the Republic of Raghwa, surrenders due to heavy shelling from Weakness, the flagship of WPR.



  • The first Pahadan War officially ends with the surrendering of the Nirni Raj. What began as a conquest of three kingdoms saw WPR take on five states, all of which became clients as per the Peace of Nakashigawa.



  • The City of Sin, originally an island casino inaugurated in 1922, is an island complex within the Sea of Dragons off the coast of Asphotachal. Designed and built by Qiao Hai, a construction businessman with investment ties to WPR, he served as the owner of the island's principal businesses -- including his family run 'Jade Hall', until his death in 1951.

    A huge construction of carnal sin and temptation, the City of Sin's highest peaks pierce the clouds in luxury accommodation, airship towers, casinos and restaurants. The centre of the 'city', the largest of the casinos, known as 'The Jade Hall', rotates on an immense set of gears and industry. Surrounding the city are huge swathes of shanty-towns built upon the water, artificial farms and fisheries that feed the city, and an immense fleet of private yachts and further resorts. Known the world over for its vices, the City is regarded as one of the hotspots for gambling, prostitution, narcotics and other sorts of debauchery.



  • West Pahadan Rail and Automata Arms officially dissolves, forming the Republic of Asphotachal, as the Five Star Committee returns to the war-torn Clockwork Empire.



  • At 3:14 pm on August 5th, the world ends as a short but devastating nuclear exchange envelops most population centers in atomic fire.